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Evangelical Free Church of Canton, IL
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The following information is available for Evangelical Free Church of Canton, IL:

Information about our church

Service times: 9 am- Sunday School/Adult LifeGroups offered for all ages. 10:30 am- Worship service

Opening hours

Ready for a visit? Check the following opening hours for Evangelical Free Church of Canton, IL:

Monday:09:00 am - 04:00 pm
Tuesday:09:00 am - 04:00 pm
Wednesday:09:00 am - 04:00 pm
Thursday:09:00 am - 04:00 pm
Friday:09:00 am - 04:00 pm

Note that opening hours may vary based on (public) holidays.

Evangelical Free Church of Canton, IL can be found at the following address:

1300 E Chestnut St

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Use the following telephone number to get in touch with Evangelical Free Church of Canton, IL:

(309) 647-4278

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4.8/5.0 (10 vote(s))

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What has happend at Evangelical Free Church of Canton, IL lately? Here you can find relevant news:


We now have a new way for you to listen to and share the weekend messages! If you have a mobile device, check out our podcast link to the entire sermon library that you can find on our website.


After working on a couple of different house projects over the last several years, I have come to a very solid conclusion....transformation is hard work! In fact, there are seasons that are so challenging that it is easier to leave a project half way done than to push through and complete it. As we finish out our series “God Didn’t Say That,” I pray that we will root into an aspect of our spiritual lives that has a profound impact on our personal lives. Join us as we open up God’s word together and seek to become more like Jesus. Read: Romans 12 Reflect 1. What do you think the Apostle Paul meant when he appealed to the church to present themselves as a living sacrifice? When we look throughout scripture, how is that lived out? 2. Utilizing your bible, define the words “Conform” and “Transform.” Write down scripture passages that correlate to both sides. Rest: This week I want to challenge you to memorize Romans 12:1-2. Take time intentional time to read through it multiple times, commit it to memory, and meditate on it day and night. As you do so, pray through and write down any application that comes to mi


From Pastor Matt: Riddle: I am two-faced, but bear one head. Men spill their blood for me. I have no legs but travel widely. I make kings immortal. I am potent when shared, Yet lust for my power keeps me locked away. What am I?....The answer to this riddle is at the root of our phrase this week! It is something that we often dislike talking about, but is talked about a lot in the Bible. Join us this week as we open up God’s word and clarify what it says about this controversial entity. Read: 1 Timothy 6 Reflect: 1. As you read through 1 Timothy 6, what seems to be the focus struggle that is highlighted? 2. What in your own life, threatens to tear you from the faithfulness God has called you to pursue? What is at the root of that threat? Rest: This week I want to challenge you to talk with someone else about areas you can grow in faithfulness. This should be someone who knows you well (i.e. spouse, close friend, or family member). Talk through this together and then spend some time praying for each other to grow in the areas discussed.


VBS is just around the corner. If you would like to register your child/children early you can sign up online by clicking this link or find a form at the church. We look forward to seeing you on June 2nd.


From Pastor Matt: One of the most common dilemmas that I hear today is why life seems to be so easy for some people and yet so difficult for others. Even our culture strives to level the playing field of sorts. Many ask the question why God seems to help some but not others. Is this really the question we should be asking though? Join us this week as we strive to understand what scripture says about who God is and who His grace, faithfulness, mercy, love, and help are really available to. Read: Romans 5 Reflect: 1. After reading through Romans 5 a couple of times, how would you sum up the main theme of these verses? 2. How should this text influence my view of myself and of others around me? Rest: This week I want to challenge you to really rest at three points each day. If you feel that doing this every day is too much then aim for three days. At a point in the morning, at lunch time, and in the evening, read through Romans 5 and then spend 5 minutes sitting in silence. Reflect upon the truths of God’s Word and refocus yourself on how those truths will impact you during the rest of your day.


Raise your hand if you have ever felt overwhelmed by the amount you have on your plate. Ok, you don’t really have to raise your hand as you are reading this, but the reality is that being overwhelmed or overextended seems to be more and more common. It brings many individuals to a place of both giving and receiving any words of encouragement they can get to power through and persevere. But what does God have to say about this? Join us this Sunday as we continue our series “God Didn’t Say That,” and consider a phrase that you just might be prone to hearing. Read: 1 Corinthians 10 Reflect: Do you believe God gives us more than we can handle? Why or why not? Think through times in your life when you felt you had too much on your plate. How did/does this affect you or those around you? Rest: Take time to re-read 1 Corinthians 10. This time, do so with a pen and paper in hand, writing down each promise you come across. Spend the rest of your time reflecting on those promises, praising God for them, and committing yourself to living in light of those promises.


What are you willing to do for happiness? Each of us, whether we realize it or not, is willing to go a certain distance for the happiness of ourselves or that of those close to us. There is an even more challenging question behind this. Is our happiness God’s ultimate desire/focus for our lives? If the answer is yes, then our pursuit of happiness is well worth the effort. But if the answer is no, then we should stop at nothing until we fully understand God’s desire and focus our attention accordingly. Join us this week as we jump into a new series of talks focused on bringing clarity and understanding to some phrases we tend to live by. Read: 1 Peter 1 & Psalm 37 Reflect: 1. What is happiness to you, and what impact do you perceive it has on other areas of your life? 2. Think about your life currently and in the past. What is it that you have rooted or are rooting your happiness in? Rest: Consider the second questions above and spend time in prayer this week asking God to reveal areas where you are seeking happiness that you shouldn’t be. During that time of prayer spend at least 5 minutes of it in silence. Pray through 1 Peter 1:13-25 and set some specific goals to pursuing Godliness this week.


We just want to remind you of our upcoming Easter services: Good Friday: 11:45-1pm is a Community Prayer walk, starting at Trinity Lutheran Church 6:30pm- Service at Efree Resurrection Sunday: 9-10am- Sunday School for all ages 10:30am- Morning service


From Pastor Matt: Many, if not all of us have had an instance where something tragic happened and we received a harsh reality check that whatever happened could have easily happened to me. Some of you have been on the receiving ends of those tragedies, continuing to live with the pain and suffering of that moment. What about those instances where we recognize that it not only “could” have been but “should” have been? Join us this week as we celebrate the resurrection, but consider what would have taken place if it had been us. Read: Matthew 28 Reflect: 1. What is your response today when you consider the resurrection of Christ? (Excitement?apathy? Humility?) 2. What do you believe has primarily shaped our response to the resurrection of Christ, whether for good or bad? Rest: In either a time of prayer or just a time of silence, spend it considering what would have been different if Christ had not come, died, and rose again. How would this affect both our life today and for eternity? What would have happened if it had been us who paid for our own sin? Rest in the hope this week that He did come and that He is is alive! Join us Sunday as we celebrate this truth.


Just a reminder that tomorrow, Saturday, April 13th from 8am-Noon we will be having a Church Workday. Weather permitting we will be working on some projects outside. We also will be hanging sound panels in the sanctuary. Please come out and help, even if it's just for a little while.


From Pastor Matt: Imagine having someone you have never met sit down and evaluate your life. What would they see? Not just on Sunday, or in small group or other fellowship group. Not just with family present or during special holidays. What verdict would they come to during an honest assessment of how you live each day? As we continue our April series, I encourage you to join us as we continue to read of Christ’s sacrifice, but more importantly, put our own life on trial. Read: Matthew 27 Reflect: 1. While reading through the chapter, make note of each part of Jesus’ trial, along with his response. Now contrast that with how you, in your humanity, might respond in the same situation. 2. Make a list of what you desire to be known for when you die. As you think about and look at this list, how are you doing in the pursuit of this being reality? Rest: I challenge you this week to put your own life on trial. Consider the accusations that could rightly be brought against you in both your private and public life. Take adequate time this week with a focus on repentance and confession. Pray that God would continue to reveal the areas of your life where you are guilty of unrighteousness. Finalize this with a time of praise for the eternal gift of Christ’s sacrifice.


Upcoming Events: Ladies, don't forget the Priscilla Shirer simulcast is this Saturday! Prepare yourselves for an exciting time together of learning and worship. Sign up at Centerpointe for the Faith & Family Night with the Peoria Chiefs on Saturday, July 27 @ 6:35pm. We need to know a head count early next week. Sign up at Centerpointe if you are interested in playing church Softball. Men and women are welcome, must be 14 yrs old. Our upcoming Easter services are as follows: Good Friday: 11:45-1pm is a Community Prayer walk, starting at Trinity Lutheran Church 6:30pm- Service at Efree Resurrection Sunday: 8-9am- Pancake breakfast in the gym 9-10am- Sunday School for all ages 10:30am- Morning service


From Pastor Matt As a parent of young children, I often catch myself repeating what I have already said over and over and over. If we aren’t careful, all that repeating can cause us to become extremely frustrated! Why didn't they get it the first time?...or the second? Have you ever stopped to think about how often we may read or hear truth from scripture, only to have to be reminded again and again before it really takes root? Join us this week as we begin our Easter Series and take a look at some of our own lack of understanding. Read: Matthew 26 Reflect: 1. In general how many times do you need to hear something before it really sticks? What do you believe is the reason for your answer? 2. As you read through Matthew 26, highlight or note down all of the instances where Jesus communicated to His disciples and they didn't get it. Rest: This week I want to challenge you to spend three 10 minute periods of silence (30min total). Before you spend this time, pray that God would clarify areas He has been trying to communicate or challenge you with. Remove yourself from any potential distractions (phone, computer, tv, etc. Set a timer, and at the end of that time write down one or two areas where you think God may be trying to get your attention. Take those items back to scripture and prayerfully seek God’s guidance for encountering it. Additional Challenge: As an additional challenge this week, share what God has brought to mind with another brother or sister in Christ. Spend time praying over that together and encouraging one another to walk in Christ.


There is an informational meeting for anyone interested in helping with VBS at 10am Saturday, March 30th. Please meet in the back of the Chapel.


This week is Canton's spring break. Since the students are out of school we will not be having our evening student activities this week. Wednesday Kid's Club and High School Encounter will not be meeting along with Thursday night Jr. High Student Impact. Normal evening activities will resume on April 3rd.


From Pastor Matt


Kid's Club will be meeting tomorrow night, March 20th, at Skateland from 6:30-8:00pm. The cost is $3 and students must have a parent/adult with them throughout the evening.


Join us this Sunday as we continue our study out of Ephesians, and for our Child dedication. Save the date for our upcoming Get Connected lunch on March 31st. If you are new to the church, we would love to get to know you. You are invited to a lunch on Sunday, March 31st, after the 10:30am service.


From Pastor Matt: If someone were to ask you about the role your children play in the health/foundation of your family, what would you say? Often times we see it as the parent’s sole responsibility to establish a healthy foundation and promote authenticity amongst family members. While God has instructed parents to be the oversight for their children, it is important for each of us (including our children) to know the role that they play in this process. Join us as we continue to look at God’s design for our family. Read: Ephesians 1-6, Reread Ephesians 6, Psalm 127, Proverbs 22:6 Reflect: 1. When you look at your family dynamic, what role (positive or negative) do your children play in the health of your home? 2. According to the whole of Ephesians 5-6, what specific responsibilities does scripture give to both you and your children regarding the health of your home? Rest: This week, I want to challenge you to pray with a focus towards families. If you have children at home, spend some time together, reading through Ephesians 5 & 6 and asking them what they think their role should be. Whether you are anticipating having children someday, are grandparents, or are still a young person at home, lets join together in seeking God for the health of our homes rooted on a foundation of truth.


Join us this Sunday as we continue our study in Ephesians.


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